崇拜录音 我们的讲道 (Cantonese Only) Preacher Boon QuahBrett JacksonDan ShihDaniel ShihDavid CookEd ChengGary KooHans KristensenJack MockJim KuswadiJustin FungMatt KangMicah ChuaMIkeNam DoanNathan ChanOwen SetoPastor Dan ShihPastor Eric ShingPastor Jeff WangPeter JensenPeter JensonPeter KoPhil LeungPhilip Jensenphillip jensenRemove term: 蔡宏基牧師 Rev Chris Chua 蔡宏基牧師 Rev Chris ChuaRev Chris ChuaRev Joseph ChoRev Winston MahRev Ying YeeReverend Ying Yeesam chanSam WanThomas LaiTim LiTim SilbermanWinston MahyinYing YeeYong TanZenith Hui何志滌牧師 Rev. Peter Ho余俊銓牧師 Rev Zephaniah Yu余大峰傳道 Pastor Dr Devin Yu余英賢牧師 Rev Ying Yee吳春霞姊妹 Michelle Ng吳芷茵姊妹 Bithiah Ng姚紀星牧師 Rev Gary Yiu張家群牧師 Rev David Truong張明俊牧師 Rev Charles Cheung徐星宇牧師 Rev Scott Xu成偉邦傳道成偉邦傳道 Pastor Eric Shing曾向誠執事 Elton Tsang李君皙牧師 Rev Grace Tsoi李廣霖執事 Raymond Lee梁明生牧師 Rev. Ming Leung楊光大牧師 Rev Victor Yeung濮松鶴執事 Marco Pu王昌文 牧師王昌文牧師 Pastor Jeff Wang王昌文牧師 Rev Jeff Wang石守中傳道 Pastor Daniel Shih羅勵鵬牧師 Rev Frankie Law董若林 傳道董若林 傳道 Pastor Caroline Dong董若林傳道 Pastor Caroline Dong蔡宏基牧師 Rev Chris Chua蔡小麗傳道 Dorathy Choi譚健生牧師 Rev Jason Tam賴頌恆傳道 Pastor Eric Lai鄭鷗牧師 Rev. David Zheng陳偉雄牧師 Rev Jackie Chan陳克儉弟兄 Kim Chan陳天生牧師 Rev Daniel Chan陳天生牧師 Rev Nathan Chan陳廣文傳道 Pastor Arthur Chan陳敏兒傳道 Anita Chan陳敏兒傳道 Pastor Anita Chan陳敏兒姊妹 Anita Chan陳羅翠珊傳道 Pastor Rose Chan陳英偉弟兄 David Chan陳英偉長老 Elder David Chan馬守順牧師 Rev Winston Ma馬錦鏗牧師 Rev Calvin Ma馮卓欽牧師 Rev Francis Fung黃啟泰牧師 Rev Tony Wong Series 1 Peter Series1 Thessalonians - The Church To Be!2 Corinthians Strength In Weakness2020 9:15am Cantonese (Weekly Sermons)A Letter to the GalatiansA People Of HopeActsApostle's CreedBaptismBible OverviewBook of ExodusChristmasChristmas SentimentsColossiansDiscipleshipEasterEaster 2020EcclesiastesEvangelistic ServiceExpectationsEzraEzra NehemiahFake NewsFather's Day SermonFoundations of DiscipleshipGalatiansGalationsGod On MissionGod On...Gods WordGrace or NothingHabakkukHeart of the ChristianHeart of the Christian Faith (Psalms)House Party 2022House Party 2023IsaiahIsaiah: From Judgement to HopeJames: Gospel-Shaped WisdomJesus is BetterJob - Faith in the Face of SufferingJoy in god joy in each otherLeviticus - Living with GodLiving By GraceLoving Your ChurchMission UnstoppableMoneyMother's DayNehemiahNew Year's DayNews Worth Singing AboutNumbers: In The WildernessOn The Road With JesusParableParablesPsalmsPsalms: The Heart Of The FaithReflection and ThanksRuth: from Broken to BlessedSS Teachers and FY Leaders DedicationStart of the year one off sermonThe Generosity ProjectThe Good ChurchThe GospelThemes of ChristmasWhat Is A Disciple?What is God Doing on Earth?What Really MattersWhere is peace on earth何西阿書 Hosea使徒行傳 Acts使徒行傳 Acts 8同作天國的見證 Be the witness of kingdom of Heaven宣教差傳主日 Mission Sunday宣教月 Mission Month將臨期 Advent帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thessalonians年終感恩主日崇拜 End of Year Thanksgiving Worship復活節 Easter母親節崇拜 Mother's Day Worship父親節主日崇拜 Father's Day Worship約書亞記 Joshua聖誕節 Christmas路加福音 7:1-10路加福音 9:23-26路加福音 Luke門徒訓練主日 Discipleship Training Sunday馬太福音 Matthew Topic A blessed peopleA Good church defends the gospelA good church is all about the gospelA good church thinks about money rightlyA righteous king a righteous cityAmazing LoveBaptismBiblical Theology of TrustBoasting of the Gospel messageCaringChristmasChristmas the missing piece to finding the lasting peaceChurchControlDeath & Resurrection of Jesus ChristDiscipleshipDiscipleship to the NationsDisciplineDiscontentmentDoubtingEaster SundayEmpires of BubbleExpectationsFaithFake NewsFatherFear GodFinding God in Hard TimesgenerosityGlorious VeiledGod the king will come and saveGood FridayGospelGrowthHonourinward renewalIsaiahJesusJesus is BetterJudgementLeviticusLife and DeathLivesLivingLiving with GodLongingMade alive in ChristMake a differenceMinistry of ReconciliationMoneyMotherMother's DayMothersNumbers: In The WildernessOn Invisible Spiritual RealityOnce for alloutward decayParentsPeaceprotection problems and provisionPurityRestRestorationReunionSexThe failure of idolsThe God who JudgesThe Joy of toughnessThe Love that changes everythingThe mountain of top experienceThe Nazarite nowWhat type of follower are youWhen will the world end?Where are the Figs?Who do you say I am?Who is the greatestWorld Weariness何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea 01何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea 02 Relentless Love何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 01何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 02何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 03何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 04何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 05何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 06何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 07何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 08何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 09何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 10何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 11何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 12何西阿書 非凡的愛 Hosea Relentless Love 13使徒行傳 Acts使徒行傳 Acts 1使徒行傳 Acts 10使徒行傳 Acts 11使徒行傳 Acts 12使徒行傳 Acts 13使徒行傳 Acts 14使徒行傳 Acts 15使徒行傳 Acts 2使徒行傳 Acts 3使徒行傳 Acts 4使徒行傳 Acts 5使徒行傳 Acts 6使徒行傳 Acts 7使徒行傳 Acts 9受難節 Good Friday問題的答案是......The Answer is...宣教 Mission將臨期 Advent差傳主日崇拜 Mission Sunday復活節 Easter提摩太後書 2 Timothy新年 New Year百夫長的信心福音主日 Gospel Sunday粵語堂福音主日崇拜 Cantonese Evangelical Worship聖誕節 Christmas背十字架馬可福音 Mark Book LeviticusHebrewColossiansEphesians1 PeterRevelation1 CorinthiansPhilippiansHebrews1 Samuel1 TimothyGenesisDeuteronomy1 ThessaloniansPsalmJames馬可福音EcclesiastesTitusLukeMatthewPsalm 50Matthew 28:16-20使徒行傳 1:1-11 (Acts)使徒行傳 Acts使徒行傳 2:1-47 (Acts)路加福音路加福音 Luke馬可福音 Mark & 路加福音 Luke約翰福音 JohnExodus詩篇 Psalms何西阿書 (Hosea)John士師記 JudgesNumbers2 Timothy以賽亞書 Isaiah馬可福音 MarkRomansActsActs 8:1-25Acts 17:15-34雅各書 James馬太福音 (Mark)哈巴谷書 (Habakkuk)James 4:13-17馬太福音 Matthew歌羅西書 (Colossians)以弗所書 EphesiansRevelation 5matthew 1:1-16Luke 18:9-14EzraNehemiah撒母耳記上 1 SamuelGalatians列王紀上 1 KingsGalatians 2:11-21Galatians 5約書亞記 Joshua帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thessalonians約拿書 Jonah民數記 NumbersHabakkuk加拉太書 Galatians瑪拉基書 MalachiMark哥林多後書 2 Corinthians2 Corinthians1 John申命記 Deuteronomy出埃及記 Exodus腓立比書 Philippians希伯來書 Hebrews彼得前書 1 Peter2 Samuel1 Kings彼得後書 2 Peter詩篇 PsalmJohn 20Revelations 21Revelations 22哥林多前書 1 Corinthians & 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 ThessaloniansJob創世記 Genesis哥林多前書 1 CorinthiansJob 421 John 4Isaiah 2:1-5Isaiah 5猶大書 Judeisaiah 6IsaiahLuke 15Ephesians 2啟示錄 RevelationJohn 3羅馬書 RomansLuke 2Mark 7: 1-23約翰一書 1 JohnPhillipians提摩太後書 2 TimothyRuthPhilemonJude以斯帖記 Esther1 Timothy 6.3-101 Timothy 6.11-21Isaiah 30:1-18Isaiah 32Romans 5Isaiah 40:21-31尼希米記 NehemiahActs 8:1-4但以理書 DanielJohn 3:1-21傳道書 Ecclesiastes雅歌 Song of Songs以西結書 EzekielPsalm 13利未記 LeviticusMark 13:1-37Mark 12:1-34James 1:2-412 何西阿書 Hosea “奇特”的愛!”Strange” love! 05/07/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 不一樣的平安 Different peace 28/06/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 神恩待眾人 God’s compassion on people 21/06/2020 經歷主無窮的慈愛 Experience the infinite love of the Lord 14/06/2020 使徒行傳 Acts “虔誠” 的哥尼流 Devout Cornelius 07/06/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 宣教的教會 Missionary church 31/05/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 掃羅的新生 New life of Saul 24/05/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 腓利奇特的旅程 Philip’s amazing journey 17/05/2020 母親節崇拜 Mother's Day Worship 由家出發 Starting from home 10/05/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 大逼迫來臨 The big persecution is coming 03/05/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 8 困難何其多!How hard it is! 26/04/2020 門徒訓練主日 Discipleship Training Sunday 從上而生的樣式 The image from the above 19/04/2020 復活節 Easter 主復活了! The Lord is resurrected! 12/04/2020 復活節 Easter 背十架的西門 Simon who carried the Cross 10/04/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 凡物公用?They shared everything they had? 05/04/2020 三件快樂事 Three Happy Things 29/03/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 別無拯救? No other salvation 21/03/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 一無所有?I have nothing? 15/03/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 彎曲世代中的群體 People of a warped and crooked generation 08/03/2020 使徒行傳 Acts 馬其頓異象 Vision in Macedonia 01/03/2020 « Previous 1 2 3 … 11 12 13 14 Next »